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Lavish lunch at CM residence; unsettled bills still haunts power corridors

By IndianMandarins- 19 Sep 2018


The issue of luncheon meet at the residence of chief minister Arwind Kejriwal’s residence in February 2016 has not been resolved till date. The occasion was luncheon meet on completion of Kejriwal’s one year in office. Each thali served at the lunch was worth Rs ten thousand. And the total cost of the luncheon meet was enormous. The Directorate of Information and Publicity had asked DTTDC to arrange the lunch. The DTTDC engaged the services of a five-star hotel to serve the lunch. The hotel raised its bill.

According to Delhi government rules, chief minister can host a lunch and the bills can be paid at the rate of Rs 1200. The gap of government approved rate of Rs 1200 and the bill raised by the DTTDC at the rate of Rs ten thousand per plate is huge.

How to approve this file is a big issue. Chief Secretary took a meeting on this issue nearly one month ago but the file is still pending. The five-star hotel is consistently approaching for payment but the chief minister’s office or the DTTDC has no answer.

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