
Appointments & Recommendations (GoI) on 22.02.2024

By IndianMandarins- 22 Feb 2024


New Delhi (22.02.2024): Notifications of appointments and recommendations issued on Thursday are as follows:-
  • Bhupinder Kumar (IAS: 2011: AGMUT) was appointed to the post of Director of Census Operations (DCO)/Director of Citizen Registration (DCR) (Deputy Secretary level), Jammu & Kashmir & Ladakh for a period up to 31.12.2025.
  • Vikash Kumar (IRS C&IT: 2013) was appointed as Deputy Secretary in the Department of Revenue for a period of four years.

  • Jasvinder Singh (IOFS: 2005) was appointed as Director in the Ministry of AYUSH w.e.f. 01 .03.2024 and for a period up to 21.09.2027. He counts his central deputation tenure w.e.f. 22.09.2022.
  • Surjith Karthikeyan (IES: 2010), Deputy Secretary in the Department of Financial Services, was re-designated as Director in the same Department for a period up to 26.04.2026 i.e total tenure of five years. He counts his central deputation tenure w.e.f. 27.04.2021.
  • Vivek Gupta (IRS C&CE: 2008) was appointed as Director in the Department of Financial Services w.e.f. 01 .03.2024 and for a period up to 31.10.2027. He counts his Central Deputation tenure w.e.f. 01.11.2022.
  • Bhumika Verma (IES: 2007) was appointed as Director in the Department of Expenditure for a period of five years. 
  • Anupam Anish Chauhan (ITS: 2011) was appointed as Deputy Secretary in the National Medical Commission, Department of Health & Family Welfare up to 25.09.2026. He counts the central deputation tenure w.e.f. 26.09.2022.

  • A S P S Ravi Prakash (IAS: 2011: AGMUT) was appointed to the post of Director of Census Operations (DCO)/Director of Citizen Registration (DCR) (Deputy Secretary level), Andaman and Nicobar Islands for a period up to 31.12.2025 relieving Pankaj Kumar (IAS: 2012: AGMUT) from the additional charge of the post of Director of Census Operations (DCO)/Director of Citizen Registration (DCR), Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
  • Dileep Kumar Rajput (IRSSE: 2012) was appointed as Deputy Secretary in the Department of Health and Family Welfare for a period up to 28.12.2026. He counts his central Deputation tenure w.e.f. 29.12.2022.
  • Naveen Aggarwal (IAS: 2013: AGMUT) was appointed as Deputy Secretary in the Department of Health & Family Welfare for a period of four years.

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