New Delhi (05.06.2023): Notifications of appointments and recommendations issued on Monday are as follows:
Kalyani Chadha (IRSME: 1988), Joint Secretary, Department of Social Justice & Empowerment was prematurely repatriated to her parent cadre to avail the benefit of promotion.
Puspendra Singh (ISS:2013) was appointed as Private Secretary to the Minister of State for Tribal Affairs Renuka Singh at the level of Deputy Secretary for a period of five years.
Satish Shriramaji Khandare (IPS: 1995: (AGMUT/JK) was appointed as Inspector General in BSF against existing vacancy for a period of five years.
Appointments & Recommendations (GoI) on 05.06.2023
By IndianMandarins - 2023-06-05 13:20:00
New Delhi (05.06.2023): Notifications of appointments and recommendations issued on Monday are as follows:
Kalyani Chadha (IRSME: 1988), Joint Secretary, Department of Social Justice & Empowerment was prematurely repatriated to her parent cadre to avail the benefit of promotion.
Puspendra Singh (ISS:2013) was appointed as Private Secretary to the Minister of State for Tribal Affairs Renuka Singh at the level of Deputy Secretary for a period of five years.
Satish Shriramaji Khandare (IPS: 1995: (AGMUT/JK) was appointed as Inspector General in BSF against existing vacancy for a period of five years.