
Appointments & Recommendations (GoI):- 01.02.2023

By IndianMandarins- 01 Feb 2023


New Delhi (01.02.2023): Notifications of appointments and recommendations issued on Wednesday are as follows:
  • Abhijit Ghosh was appointed as Director (HR&CA) in Balmer Lawrie & Co. Limited till the date of his superannuation i.e. 31.11.2027.
  • Kartikeya Sinha was appointed as Director (Planning & Marketing) in National Small Industries Corporation Limited (NSIC) for a period of five years.
  • Rohit Kumar Agrawala was appointed as Director (Finance) in ChennaI Petroleum Corporation Limited (CPCL) for a period of five years.
  • Niladri Roy was appointed as Director (Technical) in Eastern Coalfields Limited (ECL) till the date of his superannuation i.e. 30.04.2026.
  • Vinod Kumar Tiwari (IFoS: 1986: HP), Additional Secretary, Ministry of Coal was repatriated to his parent cadre to avail the benefits of promotion.
  • Tanvi Garg (IAS: 2009: AGMUT) was re-designated as Director, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs for a period up to 01.01.2028. Garg counts her central deputation tenure w.e.f 02.01.2023.
  • Shailendra Kumar, Regional Controller of Mines in Indian Bureau of Mines was empanelled for promotion to the grade of Controller of Mines, Indian Bureau of Mines, for the panel year 2021.

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