New Delhi (31.08.2024): The Union Ministry of Home Affairs on Saturday announced Dharmendra (IAS: 1989: AGMUT) as the new Chief Secretary of Delhi (Govt of National Capital Territory) w.e.f. 01.09.2024. Dharmendra replaces Naresh Kumar (IAS: 1987: UT) who is completing his extended tenure today. Currently, Dharmendra is Chief Secretary, Arunachal Pradesh.
While working as NDMC Chairman Dharmendra moved to Arunachal Pradesh and succeeded Naresh Kumar as CS in June 2022. Dharmendra is also empanelled for holding Secretary-level post at Centre. He has service tenure till 30.09.2025.
Delhi: Dharmendra to succeed Naresh Kumar as Chief Secretary
By IndianMandarins - 2024-08-31 12:09:00
New Delhi (31.08.2024): The Union Ministry of Home Affairs on Saturday announced Dharmendra (IAS: 1989: AGMUT) as the new Chief Secretary of Delhi (Govt of National Capital Territory) w.e.f. 01.09.2024. Dharmendra replaces Naresh Kumar (IAS: 1987: UT) who is completing his extended tenure today. Currently, Dharmendra is Chief Secretary, Arunachal Pradesh.
While working as NDMC Chairman Dharmendra moved to Arunachal Pradesh and succeeded Naresh Kumar as CS in June 2022. Dharmendra is also empanelled for holding Secretary-level post at Centre. He has service tenure till 30.09.2025.