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Ten officers appointed as GM, Railways

By IndianMandarins- 19 Sep 2019


The NaMo administration on Thursday cleared the appointment of as many as ten officers as General Manager Railways. Accordingly;

  1. Rajiv Kumar Vyas (IRSS) appointed as GM, Rail Wheel Factory (Yelhanka)
  2. John Thomas (IRSEE) appointed as GM, Southern Railway (Chennai)
  3. Suneet Sharma (IRSME) appointed as GM, Eastern Railway (Howrah). Presently he is GM Modern Coach Factory (Rae Bareli)
  4. G Banerjee (IRSEE) appointed as GM South East Central Railway (Bilaspur)
  5. R Gupta (IRSME) appointed as GM, Rail Coach Factory (Kapoorthala)
  6. Sanjeev Mittal (IRSE) appointed as GM, Central Railway, Mumbai
  7. V M Srivastva (IRSEE) appointed as GM, Modern Coach Factory, Rae Bareli Vice Suneet Sharma
  8. Sanjay Kumar Mohanty (IRTS) appointed as GM, South Eastern Railway, Garden Reach, Kolkata
  9. Anand Prakash (IRSE) appointed as GM, North Western Railway (Jaipur)
  10. Y P Singh (IRSSE) appointed as GM, CORE, Allahabad

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