Art, Literature & Culture

Netflix content head summoned over IC814 web series controversy

By IndianMandarins- 02 Sep 2024


New Delhi (02.09.2024): The latest series of Netflix IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack based on the 1999 hijack of the Indian aircraft IC 814 by five terrorists is in the eye of the storm. Sources informed Indianmandarins that Ministry of Information and Broadcasting summoned the Netflix content head Monika Shergill after social media users accused the makers of the web series of deliberately changing the names of the hijackers to “Bhola” and “Shankar”.
The five hijackers of the Delhi-bound flight from Kathmandu are referred to as Chief, Doctor, Burger, Bhola and Shankar. In fact, it is in accordance with the investigation reports, and the book, Flight into Fear: The Captain’s story’ written by Srinjoy Chowdhury and Devi Sharan, the captain of the flight. However, sections of the media found the naming of the hijackers to be insensitive and misrepresentation of the truth.

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