New Delhi (18.08.2024): In the backdrop of the recent row over the contentious Hindenburg report the name of former State Bank of India (SBI) Chairman Dinesh Kumar Khara is doing rounds as the next SEBI Chairman. Speculation is rife that the incumbent SEBI Chief Madhabi Puri Buch may be asked to quit. But a section of who’s who believes that the present regime doesn’t take action under any pressure in the event of controversies.
New Delhi (18.08.2024): In the backdrop of the recent row over the contentious Hindenburg report the name of former State Bank of India (SBI) Chairman Dinesh Kumar Khara is doing rounds as the next SEBI Chairman. Speculation is rife that the incumbent SEBI Chief Madhabi Puri Buch may be asked to quit. But a section of who’s who believes that the present regime doesn’t take action under any pressure in the event of controversies.