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Fate of SEBI chief hangs in balance; to appear before PAC tomorrow

By IndianMandarins- 23 Oct 2024

fate-of-sebi-chief-hangs-in-balance-to-appear-before-pac-tomorrowNew Delhi (23.10.2024): Fate of Sebi chairperson Madhabi Puri Buch hanging in balance from long is likely to have tough time while appearing before the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) of Parliament on Thursday. The PAC is headed by K C Venugopal of the Congress; however, majority of its members are from the ruling alliance. The PAC meeting has kept performance review of the regulator on its agenda. In all likelihood, critical issues to be raised in this meeting over its functioning and recent allegations of impropriety levelled against Buch. Specific questions could be posed to her about allegations of financial misconduct and conflict of interest. These charges were levelled by US activist short-selling Hindenburg which were lapped up the Congress. Sources said that Buch had sought an exemption from PAC that was denied. By putting Butch in dock in any manner, the PAC and its opposition members will get a chance to embarrass the government and vary investors when Maharashtra Assembly elections are underway.

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