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Denting the govt’s image: B L Santosh asked to rein in motor mouths

By IndianMandarins- 23 Jul 2019


Bhopal Lok Sabha Member of Parliament Pragya Singh Thakur has the habit of courting controversy even the Prime Minister Narendra Modi had expressed his anger and warned her for her statement calling Nathuram Godse a patriot. But this time round her statement saying that she is not here to get drains of the city cleaned has also not gone down well and she got a proper dressing-down from the newly appointed national general secretary (organisation) of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) B L Santosh.

Not only Prime Minister Narendra Modi but party president Amit Shah is unhappy with such occurrings. Shah clearly instructed Santosh to deal with such kind of motor mouths in the party as sometimes it requires lots of human energy of the party in defending these issues without any benefit to anyone rather denting the image of the party and the government. The party wants to give message to others also by taking Pragya Singh Thakur to the task. Moreover, the political purpose of bringing her to party is over as the party just wanted to give a message that it is against the narrative of saffron terrorism. So that message is very well sent across and there is no utility of her if she goes on like this.

Party insiders informed that when Pragya Singh Thakur tried to explain her case to Santosh that why did she make such a statement but she was even more severely reprimanded by being told that now she represents people of Bhopal and holds constitutional obligation. So every word from people’s representative should be spoken very cautiously.

Sources said that actually such statements are casting shadow on the image of   the government also making the PM jittery. Santosh has been clearly instructed to rein in such leaders. There are a few more who will be told to remain cautious while speaking in public.

(By Vinod Kumar Shukla)

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