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Appointment of five Railway GMs hangs in balance

By IndianMandarins- 16 May 2019


It is reliably learnt that crucial appointments to the post of General Manager and Zonal Managers of Indian Railways have been left to languish due to differing views between Railway Board and Department of Personnel and Training on recommendations of selection panel. It goes on without signs of an early solution.

Top sources indicate that (DOPT) twice returned the panel recommended by the Railway Board for appointment to GM level posts in Indian Railways.

Sources say, Ministry of Personnel sensed the possibility of intended advantages to be given to a particular service. And, thus, the DOPT expressed its displeasure by returning the panel.

Chairman Railways Board is reported to be trying to address DOPT’s concerns that relate to maintaining fairplay in appointments.

At present the posts of GM, Rail Wheel Factory (Bangalore) and GM, Southern Railway, are lying vacant. This is so since 1 April 2019. Moreover, GM posts in Eastern Railway (Kolkata), South East Central (Bilaspur) and Rail Coach Factory (Kapurthala) fell vacant on 1 May 2019 and await new appointments ever since.

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