Who will be Chairman, FSSAI?

By IndianMandarins- 13 Jul 2022


New Delhi (13.07.2022): Few names have started doing rounds for the post of Chairman, Food Safety and  Standard Authority of India (FSSAI); a coveted post that fell vacant after former Commerce Secretary Mrs Rita Teotia (Retd IAS:1981:GJ) completed her three years term in November last year. Presently, Rajesh Bhushan Union Secretary for Health & Family Welfare Secretary 

A section of insiders says that this time a scientist or a domain expert may be picked as Chairman instead of a bureaucrat whereas power corridors are abuzz that two union secretaries, retiring in the coming months are being considered for the Chairman post. Reportedly, it could be either from the 1986 batch or from the 1987 batch.


Ms Teotia appointed Chairperson FSSAI (17.11.2018)

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