Kolkata (31.05.2023): West Bengal governor CV Ananda Bose has asked the Trinamool Congress (TMC) government to provide the name of a third official who could be considered as the State Election Commissioner (SEC). The state government initially proposed former chief secretary Rajiva Sinha (IAS: 1986: WB) but the governor returned the file, asking why Sinha should be the only one on the shortlist.
Subsequently, the government added the name of Ajit Ranjan Burman, additional chief secretary. But the Raj Bhawan has sought a third name. The government is yet to select an officer. The SEC’s office fell vacant on May 29, 2023 when SK Das stepped down on completing his term.
The state election commission is mandated to conduct elections to urban local bodies and panchayat bodies in the state. The first task of the next SEC will be to conduct the panchayat elections. The TMC won 34 per cent of the panchayat polls without a contest in 2018.
WB Governor seeks more names for State Election Commissioner
By IndianMandarins - 2023-05-31 10:00:00
Kolkata (31.05.2023): West Bengal governor CV Ananda Bose has asked the Trinamool Congress (TMC) government to provide the name of a third official who could be considered as the State Election Commissioner (SEC). The state government initially proposed former chief secretary Rajiva Sinha (IAS: 1986: WB) but the governor returned the file, asking why Sinha should be the only one on the shortlist.
Subsequently, the government added the name of Ajit Ranjan Burman, additional chief secretary. But the Raj Bhawan has sought a third name. The government is yet to select an officer. The SEC’s office fell vacant on May 29, 2023 when SK Das stepped down on completing his term.
The state election commission is mandated to conduct elections to urban local bodies and panchayat bodies in the state. The first task of the next SEC will be to conduct the panchayat elections. The TMC won 34 per cent of the panchayat polls without a contest in 2018.