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Reading Between Lines: UT cadre's top bureaucratic shake-up sets a new scenario

By Rakesh Ranjan- 20 Apr 2022


New Delhi (20.04.2022): The Union Home Ministry Tuesday late evening announced a package of official reshuffles, which, though small, offers a lot to decipher and read between the lines.

Naresh Kumar (IAS:1987:UT), former Chairman of NDMC, is now made the Chief Secretary of Delhi. He replaces Vijay Kumar Dev (IAS:1987:UT) who is all set to take over his next assignment as Chief Election Commissioner, Delhi w.e.f. 21.04.2022.

The incumbent NDMC Chairman Dharmendra (IAS:1989:UT) has been sent to Arunachal as CS, which UT cadre officers consider a demotion posting for some odd reasons of their own, because Arunachal, being a border state, should be seen as a posting of challenges and opportunities. Having age on his side Dharmendra would stand a fair chance for prime posting before hanging his boots in September 2025.

Naresh Kumar's appointment as CS is considered significant in view of the unification underway of all three municipal corporations. After the unification is done, the Special Officer of the newly drafted Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) would have more power and privileges than the CS as BMC Commissioner has in Maharashtra (Mumbai).

Whatever, Naresh Kumar, though, won’t have to regret his posting as the CS as he had already his stint in the NDMC as Chairman.

The appointment of Dharmendra as Arunachal CS has fueled speculations about the previous state CS Satya Gopal as NMDC chairman.

Further, Rajeev Verma (IAS:1992:UT) is now the new Chief Secretary of Puducherry and Puducherry CS Ashwani Kumar (IAS:1992:UT) is shifted to Delhi though his next assignment is yet to be allocated and one can't rule out the possibility of his becoming the next MCD chief. Though power corridors are abuzz of a good assignment for Satya Gopal (IAS:1988:UT) but it is to be watched what assignment he gets ahead of his retirement in July this year.

(By Rakesh Ranjan)


Naresh Kumar is CS, Delhi; Dharmendra goes to Arunachal as CS (19.04.2022)

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