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Ratan meets Bhagwat: officials turn neutral again

By IndianMandarins- 19 Apr 2019


Even before officials in power corridors could shrug off their surprise from the open endorsement of Mukesh Ambani to South Mumbai Congress candidate Milind Deora, they were absolutely flabbergasted by the news of India's doyen of ethical business Ratan N Tata traveling to Nagpur and meeting RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat on April 17. He arrived in Nagpur on Tuesday and left the city after meeting the RSS chief on Wednesday.


The meeting, which lasted for as many as two hours at the organization's headquarters, has upset many an applecart. Officials who have been rooting for the Congress Party till now have all of a sudden turned shy of their political stance and reverted to the neutral gear.


The leakage of Ratan's meeting with Mohan Bhagwat was timed well to neutralize the fallout from Mukesh's open support to Milind.


Ratan's latest meeting with Bhagwat at the RSS headquarters was the second - the first being more than two years ago on December 28, 2016.


Last year, in August, both had shared the stage at a function in Mumbai to mark the birth centenary of late RSS leader Nana Palkar. Ratan was the chief guest at that event.

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