HUDCO pays govt. dividend of Rs. 120 crore�

By IndianMandarins- 21 Sep 2016


Hudco Chairman & Managing Director Dr. M Ravi Kanth presented on Tuesday the dividend cheque for the FY 2015-16 to M Venkaiah Naidu, Minister for Urban Development, Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation and Information & Broadcasting in the presence of Rao Inderjit Singh, Hon'ble MOS (UD & HUPA), Dr. Nandita Chatterjee, Secretary (HUPA), Rajiv Gauba, Secretary (UD), and Hudco officials N L Manjoka, Director (Corporate Planning) and Rakesh Kumar Arora, Director (Finance. HUDCO has declared a total dividend of Rs. 120.37 crore (inclusive of dividend tax of Rs. 20.36 crore) for the 2015-16. Out of the total dividend paid to the government, Rs. 69.20 crore went to the Ministry of Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation, Rs. 10.08 crore to the Ministry of Urban Development and Rs. 20.73 crore to the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India. In the 2015-16, HUDCO earned the highest-ever profit after tax of Rs.783.79 crore.

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