GRID India: Selection of CMD this week, only three candidates in race

By IndianMandarins- 28 Jan 2025


New Delhi (28.01.2025): The public-sector head-hunter (PESB) is expected to hold the selection interview for the next CMD of Grid Controller of India Limited (Grid-India) this week. Reportedly, only three candidates have been shortlisted to face the selection board. The PESB had invited applications for the post by August 16, 2024. 
The incumbent CMD of Grid-India S R Narasimhan is scheduled to retire on April 30, 2025. 

Grid Controller of India Limited (Grid-India) works upon an Integrated Operation of the Indian Power System to facilitate transfer of electric power within and across the regions and trans-national exchange of power. It facilitates the framework designed for competitive and efficient wholesale electricity markets and administer settlement systems. In addition, it also promotes innovation and adoption of latest technology with cyber security.


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