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ED: Three Special Directors reshuffled ahead of Maha Polls

By IndianMandarins- 17 Sep 2024


New Delhi (17.09.2024): As Indianmandarins had indicated in its previous report dated 09.09.2024 (CLICK TO READ) the Department of Revenue (M/o Finance) on Tuesday reshuffled the responsibilities of three Special Directors in the Enforcement of Directorate. Reportedly, the reshuffle of allocation has evoked curiosity as it has taken place right ahead of the Maharashtra Assembly elections.  
Satyabrata Kumar (IRS C&IT: 2004), currently working as Special Director (in-charge) of the Western Region has been moved to Eastern Region. Earlier, Satyabrata also worked as the staff officer to Sanjay Kumar Mishra, the then Director, ED.
As the head of the Eastern Region Satyabrata replaces Subhash Agrawal (IRS C&IT: 1993) while Subhash Agrawal has been moved from Eastern Region to Western Region headquartered in Mumbai.
Also, the additional charge of Northern Region has been assigned to Abhishek Goyal (IPS: 2005: KN) who is currently working as Special Director of Enforcement (HIU)
Reportedly, the New Delhi establishment was seriously concerned about the need for a reshuffle of charges among the special directors.  

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