Cleanliness drive continues; HUDCO CMD plants saplings

By IndianMandarins- 03 Sep 2018


HUDCO CMD Dr M Ravi Kanth planted a sapling and addressed the students for keeping their surroundings clean. The Swachhata Pakhwada continues which kick started on 16th August, 2018 with administering the swachhata pledge to all HUDCO employees.

It may be mentioned that HUDCO has adopted a Government Primary School in Sarai Kale Khan, HUDCO employees volunteered to clean the school premises and also presented a street play to the children on the same theme.


A painting competition for HUDCO employees was organized on the subject and a day was dedicated for cleaning the office premises by all employees.  A Nukkad Natak by professionals was also organized by HUDCO at the India Habitat Centre to spread the message of Swachh Bharat Mission for all the organizations housed at the Habitat Centre.

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