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CBIC: Over a dozen IRS empanelled for holding Principal CC/PDG rank post

By IndianMandarins- 28 Apr 2023


New Delhi (28.04.2023): The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet on Thursday cleared the empanelment of fourteen IRS officers, belonging to 1989 batch, for promotion to the grade of Principal Chief Commissioner and Principal Director General (Level 17 of Pay Matrix) post of Customs & Indirect Taxes under the Central Board of Indirect Taxes (CBIC) for the panel years 2023.
The list of officers empanelled goes as follows:
Main Panel:
  1. Rajesh Sodhi (1989 Batch)
  2. K Anpazhakan (1989)
  3. Dr Sanjay Kumar Agarwal (1989)
  4. Dr Sandeep Srivastava (1989)
  5. Mrs Roopam Kapoor (1989)
  6. Navneet Goel (1989)
  7. J S Chandrashekhar (1989)
  8. Anil Kumar Gupta (1989)
Extended Panel:
  1. Mrs Aruna Narayan Gupta (1989 Batch)
  2. Mohan Kumar Singh (1989)
  3. Gurdeep Singh (1989)
  4. Srinivas Murty Tata (1989)
Officers in the extended panel would get chance of posting against officers in the main panel retiring during year 2023. Five officers, out of twelve, will be retiring this year. K Anpazhakan and Gurdeep Singh are retiring this month; Dr Sandeep Srivastava and Dr Sandeep Srivastava in May whereas Dr Sanjay Kumar Agarwal and Dr Sanjay Kumar Agarwal will hang boots in July this year. 

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