New Delhi (06.02.2024): A BJP spokesperson has tossed up the name of Kiran Bedi for the post of Punjab governor which fell vacant after the resignation of Banwari Lal Purohit. It’s BJP. One should not overlook that he might have been asked float her name for a ground response. Anyways. BJP’s experiment to pit her against Arvind Kejriwal as chief ministerial candidate in Delhi in 2015 failed miserably with BJP winning only 3 seats but as Lt Governor of Puducherry, she was proved quite useful to the BJP. She gave Puduchchery CM V Narayanasamy a tough time in running administrative affairs. For a resident of Chandigarh, it would be an interesting move of the Centre to appoint Bedi as Punjab governor and certainly difficult for Bhagwant Maan and Kejriwal to deal with especially in election year. The way BJP gives its opponents tough time from all corners makes Kiran Bedi’s name a logical and practical one.
BJP spokesperson tossed up his own or asked to float name of Bedi as Punjab governor?
By IndianMandarins - 2024-02-06 07:48:00
New Delhi (06.02.2024): A BJP spokesperson has tossed up the name of Kiran Bedi for the post of Punjab governor which fell vacant after the resignation of Banwari Lal Purohit. It’s BJP. One should not overlook that he might have been asked float her name for a ground response. Anyways. BJP’s experiment to pit her against Arvind Kejriwal as chief ministerial candidate in Delhi in 2015 failed miserably with BJP winning only 3 seats but as Lt Governor of Puducherry, she was proved quite useful to the BJP. She gave Puduchchery CM V Narayanasamy a tough time in running administrative affairs. For a resident of Chandigarh, it would be an interesting move of the Centre to appoint Bedi as Punjab governor and certainly difficult for Bhagwant Maan and Kejriwal to deal with especially in election year. The way BJP gives its opponents tough time from all corners makes Kiran Bedi’s name a logical and practical one.