
Appointments & Recommendations (GoI):- 20.01.2025

By IndianMandarins- 20 Jan 2025


New Delhi (20.01.2025): Notifications of appointments and recommendations issued on Monday are as follows:-
  • Tenure of Anupama Nilekar Chandra (IPS: 1994: BH), Additional Director General, Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB), has been extended for a period of one year beyond 23.02.2025.
  • Post of Deputy Secretary held by Pulkesh Kumar (IRPS: 2011) has been re-designated as Director in the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare for a period up to 21.12.2025 i.e total tenure of five years. His central deputation tenure is w.e.f. 22.12.2020.
  • Post of Deputy Secretary in the Department of Commerce presently held by Monica Gaur (IA&AS: 2011) has been re-designated as Director in the same department for a period up to 26.06.2029 i.e. total admissible tenure of five years. Her central deputation tenure is w.e.f. 27.06.2024.
  • Post of Deputy Secretary in the Department of Commerce presently held by Taruna Doliya (lES: 2011) has been redesignated as Director for a period up to 23.08.2026 i.e. total tenure of five years. Her central deputation tenure is w.e.f. 24.08.2021.
  • Post of Private Secretary (at Deputy Secretary level) to the Minister of State for Finance Pankaj Chaudhary in the Ministry of Finance held by Rishirendra Kumar (IAS: 2011: UP) re-designated as Private Secretary (at Director level) to the same Minister as a measure personal to him for a period up to 11.08.2029 or on co-terminus basis with the Minister. He counts his Central Deputation tenure w.e.f. 12.08.2024.
  • Post of Private Secretary (at Deputy Secretary level) to the Minister for Petroleum & Natural Gas Hardeep Singh Puri in the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas held by Rasaal Dwivedi (IRSC&CE: 2011) has been re-designated as Private Secretary (at Director level) to the same Minister for a period up to 15.03.2026 or on co-terminus basis. He counts his Central Deputation tenure w.e.f. 16.03.2021. 

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