
Appointments & Recommendations (GoI):- 16.01.2025

By IndianMandarins- 16 Jan 2025


New Delhi (16.01.2025): Notifications of appointments and recommendations issued on Thursday are as follows:
  • Vishvajit Sahay (IDAS: 1990), Additional Secretary & Financial Advisor, Department of Science and Technology, has been repatriated to his parent cadre for availing the benefit of promotion.
  • Sakthi Ganesan S (IPS: 2013: TN) has been inducted as Superintendent of Police in National Investigation Agency (NIA) for a period of five years.

  • Dr Navneet Sharma (IPS: 2015: KL) has been inducted as Superintendent of Police in National Investigation Agency (NIA) for a period of five years.

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