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33 officers empanelled for holding Additional Secretary post at Centre

By IndianMandarins- 12 May 2022


New Delhi (12.05.2022): The NaMo administration on Thursday cleared the empanelment of twenty-four IAS officers belonging to the 1996 batch and one from the 1995 batch for holding Additional Secretary (AS) or AS Equivalent level posts in Govt of India.

In addition, two IPS, one IDAS and five IAAS officers also join the league. 

The list of IAS officers empanelled as AS or AS Equivalent is as follows:

  1. Lav Aggarwal (AP)
  2. Rahul Singh (BH)
  3. Rajeev Topno (GJ)
  4. T Natarajan (GJ)
  5. Mona K Khandar (GJ)
  6. Maneesh Garg (HP)
  7. Shyamal Misra (HY)
  8. Minhaj Alam (KL)
  9. Ritesh Kumar Singh (KN)
  10. Rupinder Singh (MH)
  11. Faiz Ahmed Kidwai (MP)
  12. Caralyn Khongwar Deshmukh (MP)
  13. Nitesh Kumar Vyas (MP)
  14. Vir Vikram Yadav (OR)
  15. Usha Padhee (OR)
  16. Puneet Kansal (SK)
  17. Jitendra Kumar Sinha (TR)
  18. M Devaraj (UP)
  19. V Hekali Zhimomi (UP)
  20. A Anbarasu (UT)
  21. Gitanjali Gupta (UT)
  22. Manisha Saxena (UT)
  23. Nitishwar Kumar (UP) AS Equivalent
  24. Chandraker Bharti (UT) AS Equivalent
  25. M Maheshwar Rao (1995:KN) AS Equivalent 

Further, two IPS, one IDAS and five IAAS officers were also empanelled for holding Additional Secretary level post in Govt of India. They are;

  1.  Rajesh Kumar Arya (IPS:RJ)
  2. Akhil Kumar (IPS:UP)
  3. Pankaj Kumar Singh (IDAS)
  4. Praveen Mal Khanooja (IAAS)
  5. Longjam Siddhartha Singh (IAAS)
  6. Parama Sen (IAAS)
  7. Manoj Sahay (IAAS),  
  8. Partha Sarathi Das (IAAS)

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