New Delhi (25.11.2023): What's in a name? This is an old phrase used by William Shakespeare but what is in vogue is ‘Everything is in a Name’ as a Union Minister wrote to the CM against the district officials for not informing the minister about any inauguration of the new projects in his constituency. They are also not including his name in the plaques used there. UP chief secretary sought clarification from the officials for this contemptuous behaviour.
Union Minister upset with babus ignoring him in his own constituency
By IndianMandarins - 2023-11-25 14:15:00
New Delhi (25.11.2023): What's in a name? This is an old phrase used by William Shakespeare but what is in vogue is ‘Everything is in a Name’ as a Union Minister wrote to the CM against the district officials for not informing the minister about any inauguration of the new projects in his constituency. They are also not including his name in the plaques used there. UP chief secretary sought clarification from the officials for this contemptuous behaviour.