The PESB is
looking for suitable candidates to fill two board-level positions in BVFCL
& ONGC. These posts were advertised by PESB on 15 January. The post of
Brahmaputra Valley Fertilizer Corporation Limited's (BVFCL) Chairman &
Managing Director is scheduled to fall vacant on 01 February 2019. The last
date for submission of the application for the post is 05 March 2019. The post of
Director (Exploration) at Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Limited will fall
vacant on 01 August 2019. The last date for applying for this job is 22 March
2019. It may be
mentioned that a dozen Board-level posts were advertised last week between
07-11 January including CMD/MD posts for three CPSEs and four posts of Director
The PESB is
looking for suitable candidates to fill two board-level positions in BVFCL
& ONGC. These posts were advertised by PESB on 15 January.
The post of Brahmaputra Valley Fertilizer Corporation Limited's (BVFCL) Chairman & Managing Director is scheduled to fall vacant on 01 February 2019. The last date for submission of the application for the post is 05 March 2019.
The post of Director (Exploration) at Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Limited will fall vacant on 01 August 2019. The last date for applying for this job is 22 March 2019.
It may be mentioned that a dozen Board-level posts were advertised last week between 07-11 January including CMD/MD posts for three CPSEs and four posts of Director (Finance).