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PFRDA: Who will replace Bandyopadhyay as the next Chairman?

By IndianMandarins- 10 Aug 2022


New Delhi (10.08.2022): The Centre has started the search for Supratim Bandyopadhyay’s successor; the outgoing Chairman of the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) whose term (up to 65 years of age) is ending in January 2023. The last date for applying for the post is September 5.
In addition to senior government officials, top executives of the private sector, having worked at the level of CEO, CFO, COO, or equivalent, are also eligible to apply for post. The position is also open for persons from an academic background.
Financial Sector Regulatory Appointments Search Committee (FSRASC) selects and recommends the person for the Chairman post to be appointed finally by the central government. The FSRASC is also free to identify and recommend any other person, on the basis of merit, who has not applied for the post.
PFRDA regulates the National Pension System (NPS) subscribed by the government as well as private employees from organized and unorganized sectors.

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