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IB Chief: Kumar may be announced Jain’s successor

By IndianMandarins- 21 Jun 2019


If some top sources are to be believed Arvind Kumar (IPS:1984:AM), presently serving as Special Director IB, may shortly be announced successor to the outgoing Intelligence Bureau Chief Rajiv Jain (IPS:1982:JH) completing his extended tenure on June 29, 2019.


In case Kumar is announced as next IB Director he will earn a fixed term of two years ending  June 2021.


It may be underlined Arvind Kumar is the only officer from his batch in IB as rest have already retired. Though his senior S K Sinha (IPS:1983:BH) could be a strong claimant but by shifting him from IB to Cabinet Secretariat (Secretary, Security) in October 2017 the NaMo administration had signalled that he might not be its first choice for the top job. Sinha will be retiring in October this year.


Further, M Harisena Verma (IPS:1985:WB), is also said to be ruled out as he was elevated from ADG rank to Special Director IB rank (after review empanelment) April this year. Varma’s batchmate Subodh Kumar Jaiswal (IPS:1985:MH) too was believed to be strongest claimant but since March this year he is comfortably placed in cadre as State Police Chief.

Not to mention, 1986 batch is out of consideration zone for a DG level post at Centre as empanelment for DG level post is delayed for certain reason.

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