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Four All India Service officers given ‘Compulsory Retirement’

By IndianMandarins- 01 Sep 2018


Indianmandarins has reliably learn that NaMo administration has shown doors to as many as four senior officers belonging to Indian Forest Service under the provision of All India Service (DCRB) Rule 1958.

If some top sources are to be believed the Appointment Committee of the Cabinet put its seal on the fate of officers early this week namely; Devesh Kohli (IFoS:1984:MP), Arvind Kumar (IFoS:1986:BH), Zulfe Quar Ahmed Khan (IFoS:1988:RJ) and Bhola Prasad (IFoS:1992:BH).

It may be underlined that All India Service (DCRB) Rule 1958 is equivalent to Rule 56(J) which applies to CSS cadre officers under which an officer, based on performance assessment, can be given forced retirement after completion of 25 years of service or 50 years of age (whichever is earlier).

It may further be added that as per information available with Indianmandarins (as on 02 August 2018) the NaMo administration reviewed performance of a total of 25,082 Group ‘A’ and 54,873 Group ‘B’ officers up to May 2018 and provisions FR 56 (J)/relevant rules were invoked/recommended against 93 Group ‘A’ and 132 Group ‘B’ officers.

After Modi Govt came to power in 2014 Fundamental Rules 56(J) gave nightmares to Govt of India officials which still appears to continue. 

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