Finally, Sunil Kumar relieved from the Ministry of Petroleum

By IndianMandarins- 09 May 2024


New Delhi (09.05.2024): Finally relieving order of Sunil Kumar (IRAS: 1995) stands relieved. The order dated 07.05.2024 reads, “on completion of his central deputation tenure, Shri Sunil Kumar (IRAS: 1995), Joint Secretary in the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, is relieved from his duties in the Ministry w.e.f. the afternoon of 07.05.2024.”
Reportedly, Kumar was granted 59-days End Tenure (Earned) Leave w.e.f. 08.05.2024 to 05.07.2024.
Sources say that initially the ministry had given its consent against the proposed extension for a period of six months instead of two (five plus two) years which, reportedly, DoPT did not find much meaningful.
What made his noteworthy is that, as a section of sources says, the order (dated 07.05.2024) was issued at 6.23 pm on 08.05.2024 which kept the insiders puzzled over Kumar’s extension and retention.  


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