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Bone of contention: AAP wants Maliwal’s RS seat for Singhvi?

By IndianMandarins- 14 May 2024


New Delhi (14.05.2024): Where there is smoke, there is fire! Despite all denials there is no answer to the question that why  former chairperson of Delhi Women Commission Swati Maliwal has allegedly been beaten up by Delhi CM’s add Vibhav Kumar and she called up the police?  Grapevine is abuzz that she was beaten up allegedly at the behest of wife of Delhi Chief Minister Sunita Kejriwal who wanted Swati to resign from the Rajya Sabha as party wants it for Abhishek Manu Singhvi but Swati responded by asking resignation of Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal. She insisted that Delhi CM must give way for a new Delhi CM till he is proven innocent.

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