New Delhi (01.01.2024): Notifications of appointments and recommendations issued on Monday are as follows:
The post of Private Secretary to the Minister for Labour and Employment & Environment, Forest and Climate (Bhupender Yadav) in the Ministry of Labour and Employment held by Amar Singh (IRS IT: 2010) was re-designated at Director level for a period upto 07.09.2026 or on co-terminus basis with the Minister.
The additional charge of the post of Secretary, Department of Health and Family Welfare was assigned to Apurva Chandra (IAS: 1988: MH), Secretary, Ministry of I&B till the appointment of a regular incumbent or until further orders. The Secretary post fell vacant after Sudhansh Pant (IAS: 1991: RJ) repatriated to Rajasthan as Chief Secretary.
The additional charge of the post of Secretary, Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare to Aramane Giridhar (IAS: 1988: AP), Secretary, Department of Defence till the appointment of a regular incumbent or until further orders. The Secretary post fell vacant after V K Singh (IAS: 1990: PB) repatriated to Punjab as Special Chief Secretary to Punjab CM.
Appointments & Recommendations (GoI) on 01.01.2024
By IndianMandarins - 2024-01-01 20:20:00
New Delhi (01.01.2024): Notifications of appointments and recommendations issued on Monday are as follows:
The post of Private Secretary to the Minister for Labour and Employment & Environment, Forest and Climate (Bhupender Yadav) in the Ministry of Labour and Employment held by Amar Singh (IRS IT: 2010) was re-designated at Director level for a period upto 07.09.2026 or on co-terminus basis with the Minister.
The additional charge of the post of Secretary, Department of Health and Family Welfare was assigned to Apurva Chandra (IAS: 1988: MH), Secretary, Ministry of I&B till the appointment of a regular incumbent or until further orders. The Secretary post fell vacant after Sudhansh Pant (IAS: 1991: RJ) repatriated to Rajasthan as Chief Secretary.
The additional charge of the post of Secretary, Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare to Aramane Giridhar (IAS: 1988: AP), Secretary, Department of Defence till the appointment of a regular incumbent or until further orders. The Secretary post fell vacant after V K Singh (IAS: 1990: PB) repatriated to Punjab as Special Chief Secretary to Punjab CM.