
Appointments & Recommendations (GoI): 05.12.2024

By IndianMandarins- 05 Dec 2024


New Delhi (05.12.2024): Notifications of appointments and recommendations issued on Thursday are as follows:
  • Ashok Kumar (IFS: 1998), presently High Commissioner, High Commission of India, Lusaka, has been appointed as the next Ambassador of India to the Republic of Belarus.
  • Suneet Mehta (IFS:2007), presently Deputy High Commissioner in the High Commission of India, Canberra, has been appointed as the next High Commissioner of India to the Republic of Fiji.
  • Amit Narang (IFS: 2001), presently Ambassador of India to the Sultanate of Oman, has been appointed as the next Ambassador of India to the Republic of Slovenia.
  • Bhanwar Lal Meena (IPS: 2013: AM) has been inducted as Superintendent of Police in Central Bureau of Investigation for a period of five-year central deputation i.e. up to 18.04.2028. 

  • Tenure of Shoyabahmed Kalal (IES: 2011), Deputy Secretary, NITI Aayog, has been extended for a period of one year beyond 06.12.2024 and up to 06.12.2025. He counts his central deputation w.e.f. 07.12.2020.

  • Vinay Kumar (IAS: 1999: BH) has been empanelled for holding Additional Secretary/Additional Secretary Equivalent level posts at the Centre.

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