Shimla (29.03.2024): As political temperature hots up in Himachal Pradesh with six Congress MLAs joining the BJP and contesting Assembly elections who switched side by voting against the official Congress Candidate for the Rajya Sabha. Now, the CBI has concluded investigations in HP Scholarships scam case and has filed chargesheets against 20 Institutions and 105 persons including owners of Institutions, personnel of Directorate of Higher Education, Shimla, Bank officials and many others. A total 19 persons were arrested during investigations.
The case was registered by the CBI in 2019 by the state government against private educational institutions for fake and fraudulent claims of scholarships of approximately Rs 181 crore between the year 2013 and 2017. The case was being monitored by Himachal Pradesh High Court. The case pertained to alleged misuse of the scheme of scholarship/reimbursement of fees launched by the Government of India implemented through the State government to assist students belonging to categories of SC/ST/OBC.
Amid political turmoil in HP, CBI files charge-sheet against 20 institutions & 105 individuals
By IndianMandarins - 2024-03-29 12:42:00
Shimla (29.03.2024): As political temperature hots up in Himachal Pradesh with six Congress MLAs joining the BJP and contesting Assembly elections who switched side by voting against the official Congress Candidate for the Rajya Sabha. Now, the CBI has concluded investigations in HP Scholarships scam case and has filed chargesheets against 20 Institutions and 105 persons including owners of Institutions, personnel of Directorate of Higher Education, Shimla, Bank officials and many others. A total 19 persons were arrested during investigations.
The case was registered by the CBI in 2019 by the state government against private educational institutions for fake and fraudulent claims of scholarships of approximately Rs 181 crore between the year 2013 and 2017. The case was being monitored by Himachal Pradesh High Court. The case pertained to alleged misuse of the scheme of scholarship/reimbursement of fees launched by the Government of India implemented through the State government to assist students belonging to categories of SC/ST/OBC.