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Vigilance officials to train in Vienna; have fun in summer

By IndianMandarins- 04 Apr 2019


Come summer and lucky civil servants fly off to Europe or the USA on official trips. Even the vigilance department doesn't mind relishing this minor indulgence.

So, to train vigilance officials into modern anti-corruption techniques, the central vigilance commission will fly them off to attend a customized training program at the International Anti Corruption Academy (IACA), Vienna, Austria from June 3 to 14, according to an official order.

The CVC is said to have called for details from CVOs in order to update its database as well as nominate officers for the upcoming international/domestic training to be conducted by the Commission and for proposed customized training in Austria.

The eligibility criteria for training is that "the officers (CVOs) should not have undergone any foreign training in the last two years as on April 1 of the year in which training is being organized", in order to be eligible for the upcoming international training.

The IACA is an international organization based in Laxenburg, Austria dedicated to overcoming current shortcomings in knowledge and practice in the field of anti-corruption and seeking to empower professionals for future challenges.

Over Rs 240 crore has been allocated to the Personnel Ministry for domestic and foreign training of civil servants and augmenting the necessary infrastructure during this fiscal in the interim budget presented by the Union government in February. 

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