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Three IAS officers in race for NHAI Chairman post; hide & seek may continue

By IndianMandarins- 05 Sep 2018


NaMo administration which has set the pace of work in infrastructure sector across the country appears to have been in dilemma over the selection and appointment of Chairman, National Highway Authority of India; a post which fell vacant after the repatriation of Deepak Kumar (IAS:1984:BH) on 17 May 2018. Currently, Road Transport & Highways Secretary Yudhveer Singh Malik (IAS:1983:HY) is holding the additional charge of NHAI Chairman.


Indianmandarins has reliably learnt that two additional secretary rank IAS officers are being considered for the post. In addition to two outgoing secretaries may also join the race.


Further, the power corridors are abuzz that selection process appears to have slowed down as the outgoing Road Transport & Highways Secretary Y S Malik has also thrown his hat into the ring. Those in the know of the affairs say that Malik’s retirement is due March next year and once he grabbed the NHAI post he would get a fresh lease of career for another two years. The buzz also indicates that Civil Aviation Secretary Rajiv Nayan Choubey (IAS:1981:TN), retiring January next year, may also be considered for NHAI’s top job.

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