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SPG’s SOP rehashed ahead of 2024 polls; Director not less than ADG rank

By IndianMandarins- 26 May 2023


New Delhi (26.05.2023): Ahead of 2024 Lok Sabha elections, Union Home Ministry has notified a fresh set of rules for Special Protection Group (SPG) empowering the Centre to frame standard operating procedures (SOPs) to be followed by State Governments, Amy, local and civic authority to aid the SPG in performing its duties.
The rules also provide that the IPS officer appointed to the post of Director should not be less than ADG rank. The latest decision assumes significance in the backdrop of the fact that at several occasions SPG was headed by an Inspector General rank officer and ADG rank officer as no specific rule was notified.
This is to recall that security of the PM was exposed on 5 January 2022, when his cavalcade was stranded for 15-20 minutes due to protesting farmer in Ferozpur.  The cases of insurgency in Punjab are on the rise and certain areas of North East are also disturbed. The PM will be visiting the entire country for election campaign that includes opposition ruled states like Punjab, West Bengal, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and many more. There was more than one occasion when PM’s security was intruded, so it is important to take every measure for his security. Apparently, this might have necessitated these rule changes by the Home Ministry. 

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