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SAIL: Restructured Board comprises Chairman, 4 Directors and 4 CEOs as functional-directors

By IndianMandarins- 25 Sep 2020


The Appointment Committee of the Cabinet (ACC) approved the restructuring of SAIL’s board. As per the approval, the four posts of CEOs of SAIL’s integrated steel plants will be elevated as functional directors by designating them as directors-in-charge of Bokaro, Rourkela, Bhilai, and one director-in-charge jointly for Burnpur and Durgapur steel plants.

The restructured board will consist of Chairman, Director (Finance), Director (Commercial), Director (Technical, Project and Raw Materials), Director (Personnel), Directors in-charge of integrated steel plants (ISPs).

Besides, the board will have non-official directors as per the Companies Act 2013 and 2 government nominee directors as per the DPE (Department of Public Enterprise) policy.

This will facilitate a speedy modernization and expansion program of the country’s largest steel-making company

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