The Public-sector headhunter (PESB),
on Tuesday, found none of the candidates suitable for the post of Director
(Finance) Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd
(RVNL). It further recommended that the administrative ministry/department may
choose an appropriate course of further action for selection. Altogether, four
candidates appeared before the selection board for interview. The post (presently vacant) was
advertised on May 17, 2019.
The Public-sector headhunter (PESB),
on Tuesday, found none of the candidates suitable for the post of Director
(Finance) Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd
(RVNL). It further recommended that the administrative ministry/department may
choose an appropriate course of further action for selection. Altogether, four
candidates appeared before the selection board for interview.
The post (presently vacant) was advertised on May 17, 2019.