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NMCG initiates Global River Cities Alliance; 267 cities become part of it, many more to join

By IndianMandarins- 07 Dec 2023


New Delhi (07.12.2023): A Memorandum of Common Purpose was signed between Mississippi River Cities and Towns Initiative representing 124 cites/ towns on December 6, 2023. At the initiative of NMCG, it was signed by Mississippi Banks and G Asok Kumar (IAS: 1991: TG), Special Secretary and DG, NMCG representing RCA with 142 cities/towns on Indian river banks as members at the Rotary Hall, at CoP28.
This could be dubbed as a step closer to the launch of the Global River Cities Alliance. GRCA brought within its folds 124 more river-cities/towns to reach figure of 267 today. Some more cities to join on December 10, 2023 during official launch of GRCA.

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