Three top IPS officers of Maharashtra, reportedly, stand divided. The division is caused by the transfer of 12 officers of the Mumbai police headed by Commissioner Sanjay S Barve (IPS:1987:MH). Notably, Devan Bharti (IPS:1994:MH) heads the state Anti-Terrorism Squad.  Reportedly, the rift between Barve and Bharti surfaced when 12 Mumbai police officers applied to Maharashtra DGP Subodh Kumar Jaiswal (IPS:1985:MH) for transfer to the Bharti-headed ATS without posting Barve about the matter.  Even as Barve expressed his displeasure and issued show cause notices to the officers for bypassing him, the DGP posted 11 of the 12 officers to the ATS.  It is pointed out that, if these officers had followed the due procedure and kept Barve informed, or better still applied through Barve himself, this unnecessary turf problem could have been avoided.  The 12 officers are reportedly close to Bharti and have followed him to several of his other postings including the Crime Branch. It is said Mumbai police has a tradition that its IPS officers get to take along some subordinate officers loyal to them to their next postings.  Bharti has never been posted outside Mumbai police after 2005 except when he became IG Law & Order (Maharashtra Police), a Mumbai-based posting.  Indianmandarins has learned that even though DGP Jaiswal has cleared the transfer proposal, Barve has decided to focus on the rules of procedure vs practice and sent a second round of show-cause notices to the officers informing them that their response to the first one was not satisfactory, and threatening to stop their increment for a year as they had failed to follow due procedure. The officers have to submit their response in 10 days’ time.  The 12 police officers, in ranks ranging from Senior Inspector to Assistant Police Inspector, are afraid that their careers may suffer unnecessary blows in the tussle between the IPS officers. These officers are still working with the Mumbai police.
Three top IPS officers of Maharashtra, reportedly, stand divided. The division is caused by the transfer of 12 officers of the Mumbai police headed by Commissioner Sanjay S Barve (IPS:1987:MH). Notably, Devan Bharti (IPS:1994:MH) heads the state Anti-Terrorism Squad.
Reportedly, the rift between Barve and Bharti surfaced when 12 Mumbai police officers applied to Maharashtra DGP Subodh Kumar Jaiswal (IPS:1985:MH) for transfer to the Bharti-headed ATS without posting Barve about the matter.
Even as Barve expressed his displeasure and issued show cause notices to the officers for bypassing him, the DGP posted 11 of the 12 officers to the ATS.
It is pointed out that, if these officers had followed the due procedure and kept Barve informed, or better still applied through Barve himself, this unnecessary turf problem could have been avoided.
The 12 officers are reportedly close to Bharti and have followed him to several of his other postings including the Crime Branch. It is said Mumbai police has a tradition that its IPS officers get to take along some subordinate officers loyal to them to their next postings.
Bharti has never been posted outside Mumbai police after 2005 except when he became IG Law & Order (Maharashtra Police), a Mumbai-based posting.
Indianmandarins has learned that even though DGP Jaiswal has cleared the transfer proposal, Barve has decided to focus on the rules of procedure vs practice and sent a second round of show-cause notices to the officers informing them that their response to the first one was not satisfactory, and threatening to stop their increment for a year as they had failed to follow due procedure. The officers have to submit their response in 10 days’ time.
The 12 police officers, in ranks ranging from Senior Inspector to Assistant Police Inspector, are afraid that their careers may suffer unnecessary blows in the tussle between the IPS officers. These officers are still working with the Mumbai police.