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Ire of higher ups: Man behind Train18 feels the heat

By IndianMandarins- 25 Aug 2019


New Delhi: The man behind the design and development of 'Train 18' (India's first semi high speed train later rechristened Vande Bharat Express) feels the heat of taking up an administrative issue bluntly in the department. As reported by The Hindu his decisions proved distasteful to the higher ups inviting their ire.


Southern Railway's Chief Mechanical Engineer Subhranshu was transferred to Rail Wheel Plant, Bela in Bihar as Chief Administrative Officer last week. His present posting is being termed as punishment posting with no routine transfer due to him which is in normal course done in two years.


The power corridor is considering his decision as reason for his abrupt unceremonious transfer. As reported ordering the suspension of on board housekeeping services in several trains proved counterproductive for him as it pointed out that Southern Railway was running out of funds to pay contractors’ dues. 


Though the Railway Ministry swung into action and released an amount of Rs 50 Cr immediately as against the pendency of Rs 38.6 Cr till August 22, 2019.


Interestingly, the sanction of fund anf Subhranshu's transfer order came almost simultaneously.

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