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DRDO readies RADAR for Indian industry

By IndianMandarins- 29 Aug 2018


Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) wants to sell an advanced technology for a super radar for fighter jet aircraft. DRDO has asked the Indian Industry to submit proposals for transfer of technology (ToT).

The Electronics and Radar Development Establishment (LRDE) has said that it is ready with its “Active Electronically Scanned Array Radar (AESAR)” technology and has four licenses to offer to the Indian industry.  DRDO has asked interested companies to submit their profiles to apply for the project.

The AESAR is a key requirement for all future jet fighter purchases by India. DRDO said that its fire control Radar can be configured for use on any fighter class aircraft and has sought Expression of Interest (EOI) from companies.

This technology in the Radar enables user to achieve high mission reliability with multi-target tracking capability. The radar operational modes are designed to assist the fighter pilot in the execution of various combat missions in air-to-air, air-to-ground and air-to-sea operations, said DRDO.
An AESA radar will also be a defining parameter for the massive competition to supply 110 fighter jets to India under a Make in India scheme.

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