
Appointments & Recommendations (GoI) on 27.05.2024

By IndianMandarins- 27 May 2024


New Delhi (27.05.2024): Notifications of appointments and recommendations issued on Monday are as follows:-
  • Amit Garg (IPS: 1993: AP), Addl. Director, SVP NPA, will continue to hold additional charge of the post of Director, SVP NPA for a further period of three months beyond 31.05.2024 or till the appointment of a regular incumbent.
  • Tenure of Pravin Mandloi (SPS: 2004: MP), SP CBI, was extended for a period of three years i.e. from 23.09.2024 to 22.09.2027.
  • Tenure of Dr Samir V Kamat, Secretary, Department of Defence Research and Development (DDR&D) and Chairman, Defence Research Development Organisation (DRDO) was extended for a period of one year from 01 .06.2024 till 31 .05.2025.
  • Ajay Tewari (IAS: 1993: AM), Additional Secretary, Ministry of Power, was repatriated to his parent cadre on the request of Government of Assam.
  • Pankaj Agrawal (IAS: 1992: MP), Secretary, Ministry of Power, was entrusted with additional charge of the post of Secretary, Department of Telecommunications from 28.05.2024 to 09.06.2024 during the period of absence on leave of Neeraj Mittal (IAS: 1992: TN).

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