
Appointments & Recommendations (GoI): 13.12.2024

By IndianMandarins- 13 Dec 2024


New Delhi (13.12.2024): Notifications of appointments and recommendations issued on Friday are as follows:
  • Mudit Srivastava (IRS IT: 2008) has been appointed as Internal Financial Adviser (Director level) in the Heavy Water Board, Mumbai under the Department of Atomic Energy for a period of five years.
  • Subhash Prasad Gupta (IFS:2006) has been concurrently accredited as the High Commissioner of India to Saint Lucia, with residence in Paramaribo.
  • Leyaqat Ali Aafaqui (IRS IT: 2008), Director, Ministry of Minority Affairs, has been prematurely repatriated to his parent cadre.

  • Cadre of Ankit Singh (IPS: 2022: KL) has been changed from Kerala to Tamil Nadu on the grounds of his marriage with Hridya S Vijayan (IAS: 2022: TN) 

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