A union secretary advised minding Minister's business and not his own

By IndianMandarins- 16 Oct 2021


New Delhi (16.10.2021): A senior union minister snubbed the union secretary of the concerned ministry when the latter advised the former to defer the meeting he had called. The official, who deals with an essential service, wanted the Minister to defer his own meeting since the official had to attend another meeting whose timing clashed with the one called by the Minister.

Naturally, this annoyed the Minister who asked the official if the meeting he was supposed to attend was called by Number one or two in the government. When the official mentioned that it was called by none of the above, the Minister made it clear to the official that he had no choice but to cancel his scheduled meeting that was called without his knowledge and attend his because he was the boss and his writ must run in the ministry.

The official was also advised not to be even seen remotely as breaking the well-established protocol henceforth.

The Minister in reference is a seasoned politician and has been keen on streamlining the affairs of his ministry. 

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