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Winter session of parliament may start from Dec 10

By IndianMandarins- 14 Nov 2018


The Narendra Modi government is considering whether to hold a truncated winter session of Parliament in December. Thereafter, a brief session could be held in February to present the interim Budget. Sources said the winter session could begin on December 10 and end on December 23.


There is also a view in the government that it could follow the example of UPA 2, which in 2013-14 had combined the winter and budget sessions with a long recess in between. Usually, the official Budget session, if a government has completed its full five-year term, is held after the convening of the new Lok Sabha.


In 2013, the UPA II had held the concluding session of Parliament from December 5, 2013, to February 21, 2014 - combining the winter and interim Budget sessions. The session began on December 5, with Parliament going into a long recess on December 19, and meeting again from February 5 to 21.

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