State News

Sanjeev Verma lodges FIR against senior colleague Khemka

By IndianMandarins- 23 Apr 2022


Chandigarh (23.04.2022): Sanjeev Verma (IAS:2004:HY), currently posted as the Managing Director (MD), Haryana State Warehousing Corporation, has recommended the registration of a criminal case against Ashok Khemka (IAS:1991:HY), currently posted in the rank of additional chief secretary in Haryana, for alleged irregularities in appointments made in the warehousing corporation during Khemka’s tenure as its MD 12-14 years ago.
A formal complaint has been made by Verma to Panchkula’s Sector-5 police station for registration of a criminal case against the then MD Khemka, retired manager Som Nath Rattan, retired assistant manager (Admn) SC Kansal and the then dealing assistant (now retired) Naresh Kumar of the Haryana State Warehousing Corporation, Panchkula. The alleged irregularities are related to appointments made by the corporation to managers post during Khemka’s tenure as MD from July 2008 to April 2010.

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