Rajyavardhan's absence still haunts power corridors

By IndianMandarins- 30 Aug 2019


Element of surprise and unpredictability have been the hallmark of the Modi government. Even though matters pertaining to ministries and portfolios are an old subject now but power corridors are still haunting the reasons as why Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore (Ex I&B Minister) was left out in NaMo 2.0. Rathore as a minister had earned a respectable image in public.


Amid several theories doing rounds, power corridors are still abuzz that riding two boats at the same time might have cost him dear. Having good rapport with the political bosses, he got independent charge of I&B ministry but hobnobbing with 'Rani' to save his seat in Lok Sabha polls had apparently been the reason. No need to say how it works these days, hope he is pardoned before next reshuffle.

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