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PRSI: SAIL wins six national awards in the field of communication

By IndianMandarins- 22 Feb 2021


New Delhi (22.02.2021): Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) has won six awards for its efforts in the field of communication at the PRSI National Awards-2020 conferred upon by the Public Relations Society of India. The awards were given away by Mrs. Baby Rani Maurya, Governor of Uttarakhand and Dr. Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank, Union Minister for Education, Government of India, during a virtual ceremony on 21 February 2021. SAIL has been awarded in the categories of - House Journal (English), Best Communication Campaign (External Publics), Communications Campaign of the Year – Covid-19, Special/Prestige Publication, E-newsletter and Corporate Website categories which is a reflection of SAIL’s focus on communications and fostering better stakeholder engagement.

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